Tuesday, July 21, 2009

The Gates of Leaven by Dan Cross

First: At 6am, even the smell of rising dough could not cover the inescapable combination of piss and rotting garbage.

Last: Peter dimmed the light of his father's bakery for the last time and walked out onto the fresh cobblestones, counting the flowers to the beat of his shoes on the way home.

Bio: Dan Cross is the author of the cookbooks Pastries To Come Home To and Breads of our Fathers, as well as the novel Pots and Pans. He lives in Portland, Oregon with his wife, two children, and golden retriever. Cliché, he knows.

Real Bio: Ben White lives in Texas with his beautiful wife and is the editor the of Nanoism, a publication for extremely short stories. His recent very short work has appeared in Six Little Things, Dogzplot, Monkeybicycle, and others.